Leverage Your Strengths to Recharge

We’ve all had days where the tasks on our to-do list far outnumber the hours in a day. When those days turn to weeks, months, or years, we find ourselves exhausted. Other times, we find ourselves feeling uninspired or unmotivated for seemingly no reason.

A while back, I noticed that I was feeling far less energized in my work than usual. I loved what I was doing, but I constantly felt like I was dragging. Then, a coaching friend asked a question that gave me a new strategy and shifted the way I think about recharging: which of your strengths isn’t getting the love and attention it deserves?

Maybe having a strategy to rest and recharge sounds like an oxymoron. However, producing good work starts with YOU, and if you aren’t at your best, it’s nearly impossible to enjoy working towards your next success.

In my case, one of my Top 5 CliftonStrengths is Intellection®. This talent theme is characterized by the tendency to think and reflect. When my friend asked this question, I realized I was neglecting to feed this talent. I was working from home, and other people were consistently in the house. I hadn’t given myself the space and quiet I needed to think, and that was the main source of my energy drain. Once I was able to create some quiet thinking space, I felt far more clear and focused.

No matter what your talents, there are three things you can do this summer to feel more rested:

Consider Your Strengths

Take a look at your CliftonStrengths reports and ask yourself the same question my friend asked me: which of your strengths isn’t getting the love and attention it deserves? What would feed that strength? Do you need more thinking time? To connect on a deeper level with a friend? To complete the tasks you’ve been neglecting on your personal to-do list? A chance to speak to a different audience?

Recharge at Work

Summer often means that regular schedules are disrupted by vacation plans. How can you take advantage of the changes to your usual schedule and build in the time you need for yourself?

Recharge through Summer Fun

Do your summer activities align with the strengths you need to feed? What small tweaks can you make to your summer plans?

What you need to recharge likely looks different than the people around you, simply because you are unique and have different talents. As you learn more about yourself, be sure to communicate clearly to the people around you about what you need to be at your best.

Need support as you learn to balance your big career goals and your need to recharge?


Why I Use CliftonStrengths with My Clients


Using Strengths to Navigate Generational Differences