Professional Coaching

Discover greater success by simply being more you.

Successful woman ready for the day

1:1 Coaching

Do you want to take your career, team, or project to the next level? Work one on one with a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach to get the insight and accountability you need reach your goals and love the work you do.

Your custom package will include:

  • Your CliftonStrengths assessment

  • Personalized Strengths reports

  • 3+ coaching sessions per month

The benefits of coaching:


I came to Jill at a time in my career when I felt stuck. I knew that I wanted to move up and had the abilities to do so, but didn’t know where or how to begin. Let me just start out by saying it was the best money I have ever spent on myself. Far better than any piece of furniture or clothing item, I invested in my future.

Jill taught me about my strengths, weaknesses and different elements of my personality. Having this knowledge in my toolbox made me become a more effective communicator, with a better understanding on how to cope with leaders above me that didn’t share my same characteristics.

Jill coached me on how to professionally ask for a raise and title change. She also worked with me on designing an onboarding process for one of my new hires. That new hire to this day still thanks me for the attention to detail and positive onboarding experience.

I have become a better leader, professional and person after our sessions. I can’t put a value on the confidence I took with me after our time together. We all know that title isn’t everything, but I think in this case it is important to note that, after my time with Jill, I went from a manager role at a company that didn’t appreciate me to now being a Vice President at a company surrounded by kindness and respect.

Invest in your future. Invest in yourself. I am extremely grateful for the time I spent learning from Jill.

Vice President