Three Steps to Reset Your Team in the New Year

The year 2022 brought continued changes for many organizations. New team members, layoffs, shifting goals, and reorganization. With so much happening, there’s an even greater need for teams to communicate clearly, collaborate effectively, and form deeper connections.

Now, as we look forward to 2023, many of us are thinking about how well we and our teams performed and what we want the year to look like. It’s easy to jump straight to what needs to be improved. Yes, we attend our organization’s holiday parties and celebrate the big goals that were met, and a job well done in a general sense, but our thoughts quickly drift back to conflicts with coworkers, dysfunctional processes, or ways we fell short. However, focusing on the negative means we may miss the greatest opportunities for our own professional development and to help our team shine.

As we go into 2023, let’s instead follow these three steps to reset and start the year out on a high note:


Donald Clifton observed that the greatest opportunities for success lie in what people already do well. So, take a minute to think about your team.

  • What went well?

  • Where did your teammates shine? What were they doing? What led to their success?

  • What patterns did you notice in your own behavior that led to success?

Of course, focusing on the positive doesn’t mean ignoring problems. Weaknesses, which I like to refer to as potholes, are anything that gets in the way of your success.

  • What potholes did you hit? Your team?

  • Who has a strength that would help keep you from hitting that same pothole?


End of the year parties are great, but most people appreciate more personalized recognition for their contributions to the team. It is important because it helps people feel valued and increases their sense of belonging on a team. So, based on your reflections, take a minute to share specific things you value about a person’s contribution to the team. However, make sure you know how each individual likes to be celebrated.


Now it’s time to turn thoughts into an actionable strategy to get the best out of your team (and do it in a way that helps them enjoy their work). The key is to give them opportunities to use their strengths and play to their interests. You’ve identified people and processes that led to success in the last year.

  • What is your team’s common purpose? Has it changed?

  • Which steps that worked in the past can be repeated so that your team meets its goals and shines even brighter?

  • Where are the greatest partnerships? What makes them shine? Spotlight their success.

With your reflections, celebrations, and planning rooted in the positive, you’ll be ready to take on the next year with confidence.

Wishing you and your team a BRIGHT 2023!

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