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How to Fall in Love with Your Work Again

We’ve all had days that drag on and on, that full of unnecessary meetings or work that feels pointless and then are bookended by tasks from an uninspiring to-do list. If we have too many days like that, it drains our energy and zaps all motivation.  

Our relationship with work is constantly changing. When it is healthy, it gives our lives Meaning & Purpose*, a deep sense of personal satisfaction. And when it’s not, the opposite is true. The good news is that you can make some small changes that help you fall in love with your work all over again.


Pause to assess your work.

In the business world, there is so much pressure to be “doing something” at all times. The source of that pressure could be a micromanaging boss or your own expectations of yourself. It leaves us feeing overwhelmed and anxious. To escape the squeeze, ask yourself a couple of questions:

  • What parts of your work are you currently enjoying?

  • What parts of your work do you dislike? Are they things that are truly required for your success or the success of your team?

Communicate clearly with your team or clients about what is going well and which tasks or processes need to be amended or eliminated. Keep what works and look for opportunities to change the rest.

Find the common themes among the things you enjoy doing

Think about your life outside of work.

  • What activities give you energy?

  • What hobbies do you have? What do you like about them?

Are there any patterns among the activities you enjoy most? For example, you may notice that you enjoy the things that allow you to connect with others 1:1, being in the spotlight, doing hands-on projects that produce a tangible result, or tasks that give you time alone to think.

Do more of what you love at work.

No matter where you are on the org chart, you probably have more Agency* at work than you think. You can choose how to do your job without total control over what you do. Since you’ve now taken a look at what you like about your work and what you love to do outside of the office and identified the patterns, it’s time to bring those elements into your job.

  •  What pattern would be easiest to apply? Start there.

  • What pattern would be the most enjoyable to apply? Work this in next.

  • When in your day or week do you need a boost? Identify and adjust your day to bring in this energy.

When we focus on doing more of what we love, we produce better results and are more likely to have energy to enjoy life. 

*Meaning & Purpose and Agency are two of the 7 Ingredients of a Beautiful Work Life according to an international survey conducted in 2021.

Still feeling bogged down by chaos at work?
Try 1:1 coaching.